Whitney Huber is the founder of Kosai, an initiative that bridges art, community, and critical engagement. With a background in visual arts education and a ongoing Master’s in Curatorial Studies, her work focuses on breaking conventional structures in the art world while prioritizing the people who engage with it. At Kosai, Whitney curates exhibitions, organizes workshops, and designs events that encourage creative exploration and reflection on societal issues.

Work Experience

Art teacher for regular and gifted education
Sekundarschule Campus Glattal
2022 - now

Head of the Culture Working Group and Cultural Manager
Sekundarschule Campus Glattal
2023 - now


Master Curatorial Studies
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Bachelor and Master Sekundarstufe I
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich

Exhibitions and Projects

as far as we can see

Living with a Yokai

Kulturhöfli 7